Posted by Fifi Yang 22880
Chinese characters are the main writing symbols of the Chinese language. Pinyin is the phonetic notation for Chinese characters. Each character has a specific syllable. Each syllable is composed of three parts: initial, final, and tone. The pinyin system has 21 initials, 36 finals, and 4 tones. It also has 2 semi-vowels and a neutral tone.
Tones are very important. Many characters have the same spelling in pinyin but have different tones, and therefore have different meanings.
This pinyin table is a complete listing of all Hanyu Pinyin (汉语拼音)syllables used in Standard Mandarin. Click on the cell for pronunciation.
* An empty cell indicates that the corresponding syllable does not exist in Standard Mandarin.
The first tone, marked by -, is a high and flat sound, naturally prolonged.
Example: tāng(soup)汤
The second tone, marked by /, is a rising tone, from low to high, like making a question, e.g. táng (sugar, candy) 糖
The third tone is a comparatively long tone, falling first and then going up, e.g. tǎng (to lie down) 躺.
The fourth tone, marked by \ , is a falling tone, short and strong, as if in anger, e.g., tàng (boiling hot) 烫.
The neutral tone, light and short, has no mark. It is usually the last syllable of a word or a phrase, e.g. māma (mother) 妈妈.
Here is the Pinyin pronunciation guide. Please read it carefully and then practice.
Pinyin | Pinyin | Pinyin |
b | g | s |
p | k | zh |
m | h | ch |
f | j | sh |
d | q | r |
t | x | y |
n | z | w |
l | c | v |
Pinyin | Pinyin | Pinyin |
a | e | u |
o | i | ü |
Pinyin | Pinyin | Pinyin |
ai | ing | uai |
ei | ia | ui(uei) |
ao | iao | uan |
ou | ian | uang |
an | iang | un(uen) |
en | ie | ueng |
in | iong | üe |
ang | iou | üan |
eng | ua | ün |
ong | uo | ng |
After you can pronounce them all, you can try to find some books (for example, a graded reader) with pinyin and try to follow the included CD to read. You can also find a Chinese class on-line to practice your Pinyin pronunciation.
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