Posted by Mollan Mo 11005
New Year's Day is here! Happy New Year! New Year's Day is an official holiday all over the world, but the celebration way varies among different countries. How does the New Year in China look like? How do Chinese people celebrate this day? Any legend or story behind New Year's Day in China, let's move on.
Western New Year's Day in Chinese is usually called "元旦 (yuándàn)." The phrase 元旦 first appear in "晋书(Book of Jin)" of ancient China, but the meaning had been recoginized for over 4000 years. The first day of twelfth lunar month or October was celebrated as 元旦. Then it was celebrated on the first day of Lunar New Year since the reign of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty. When the formation of the Republic of China, 元旦 is on the day of Jan. 1st in Gregorian calenda. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Gregorian January 1 was renamed named 元旦节, with the aim of distinguishing the new year(新年xīn nián) in "农历 (nónglì) lunar calendar" and the "阳历 (yánglì) Gregorian calendar."
The Chinese Character"元 (yuán)" means "首(beginning, first place)" . For example, 元首(yuán shǒu) means the head of state. "旦 (dàn)" means "日(day, daybreak)". Character "旦 (dàn)" is a pictograph by putting"日(rì) sun" on the top, "一 (yī) " on the bottom, which can be regarded as a horizon. "日" and "一" partnered up to become the meaning "the sun is rising slowly from the horizon", which perfectly indicates the beginning of a new day. So, joining the two words together means the first day of year. It's a celebration of discarding old and bringing in new things.
zhè wèi yuán shuài kǎi xuán ér ɡuī
The marshal returned home in triumph.
* 通宵达旦tōng xiāo dá dàn: all night long
E.g: wǒ mánɡ dé tōnɡ xiāo dá dàn
I was very busy overnight.
* 旦夕祸福dàn xī huò fú: unexpected good or bad fortune; Fortune is fickle.; sudden changes of fortune.
E.g: rén yǒu dàn xī huò fú, yuè yǒu yīn qínɡ yuán quē
人有旦夕祸福, 月有阴晴圆缺。
Men are subject to sudden changes of fortune as the moon is subject to the changes of being full and crescent, cloudy and clear.
Nowadays, New Year's Day becomes a "法定假日 (fǎdìng jiàrì) statutory holiday" in China. The people are rewarded with one day's vacation, then the holiday is usually before or after weekends, so usually people will get 3 days off. During this festival, people wish each other good luck in the New Year and exchange gift-cards. For Chinese young people, they usually join together, let off fireworks or attend New Year's Eve countdown party. Some TV stations, schools or companies will hold New Year's Gala to welcome and celebrate the coming of the new Year.
Chinese Character | pinyin | Translation |
新年 | xīn nián | New Year |
元旦节 | yuán dàn jiē | New Year's Day |
元旦节快乐 | yuán dàn jiē kuài lè | Happy New Year's Day |
万事如意 | wàn shì rú yì | All the best |
年年有余 | nián nián yǒu yú | Better than every year |
一帆风顺 | yì fān fēnɡ shùn | wish you prosperity |
1. 祝你2016年一切顺利,新年元旦快乐!
Zhù Nǐ 2016 Nián Yì Qiè Shùn Lì, Yuán Dàn Kuài Lè!
I wish everything goes well with you in 2016. Happy New Year's Day.
2. 祝你平安健康,元旦快乐!
Zhù nǐ pínɡān jiàn kānɡ,yuándàn kuàilè!
I wish you a peaceful, healthy Year. Happy New Year's Day.
3. 元 旦 又 来 到 , 祝 福 忙 送 到 , 烦 恼 已 逃 跑 , 好 运 来 报 道 , 快 乐 围 你 绕 , 霉 运 找 不 到 。 新 的 一 年 , 愿 你 生 活 处 处 好 , 事 业 步 步 高
Yuándàn yòu lái dào, zhùfú mánɡ sònɡ dào, fán nǎo yǐ táopǎo, hǎoyùn lái bàodào, kuàilè wéi nǐ rào, méiyùn zhǎo bú dào. xīn de yìnián, yuàn nǐ shēnɡhuó chù chù hǎo, shìyè bù bù ɡāo.
New Year's Day is approaching, here comes my wishes. Trouble has run away, your life will be filled with good luck and happiness. In this New Year, I wish you a backgammon!
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