en py 中
tā yòu qiú xiānrén jiāo tā qítāde dōnɡxi,yúshì xiānrén jiāo tā xiàqí, dàn bùjiǔ zhīhòu Wúɡānɡ yòu shīqù le xìnɡqù. yúshì xiānrén ɡěi le tā yánxí xiānshù de shū. dānɡrán méi jǐtiān Wúɡānɡ yòu juédé wúliáo le,bìnɡ wèn xiānrén nénɡfǒu qù yìxiē xīnxiǎn yǒuqù de dìfɑnɡ.
tā yòu qiú xiānrén jiāo tā qítāde dōnɡxi,yúshì xiānrén jiāo tā xiàqí,
dàn bùjiǔ zhīhòu Wúɡānɡ yòu shīqù le xìnɡqù。yúshì xiānrén ɡěi le tā
yánxí xiānshù de shū。dānɡrán méi jǐtiān Wúɡānɡ yòu juédé wúliáo le,
bìnɡ wèn xiānrén nénɡfǒu qù yìxiē xīnxiǎn yǒuqù de dìfɑnɡ。
and Wu Kang asked the immortal to teach him something else. So the immortal taught him chess, but after a short while Wu Kang's enthusiasm again waned. Then Wu Kang was given the books of immortality to study. Of course, Wu Kang became bored within a few days, and asked if they could travel to some new and exciting place.